【同义词辨析】 2020-01-06 求助resort-turn

resort: may imply that one has encountered difficulties impossible to surmount without help: found he could get no relief unless he ~ed to the courts. (surmount超越克服解决implies surpassing or exceeding,如severe technical problems to be surmounted解决严重技术问题,如all manner of cultural differences were surmounted各种文化差异都被克服了)  encounter遇到,特别是令人不快或困难的事,即遭遇,但也可表示邂逅

refer: suggests a need for authentic information or authoritative action and recourse to a source of this: whenever you come to an unfamiliar word, ~ to your dictionary.   (authentic真实真迹being fully trustworthy表示值得信任,如the authentic story情, 如authentic gem宝石,如I don't know if the painting is authentic我不知道这幅画是不是真迹)

apply: suggests having direct recourse, as by a letter OR in person, to one able to supply what is needed: ~ to a bank for a loan.

go, turn: are more general but often more picturesque and dramatic terms that suggest action or movement in seeking aid or relief: the president ~ directly to the people with the his plan; ~ed to his mother for comfort.   picturesque强调令人印象深刻,如生动形象不落窠臼,如Dickens is famous for his picturesque characters狄根斯以其生动的人物刻画而闻名

resort诉诸: 指遇到难以克服的困难,必须求助,refer参考引用: 表示为寻求真实权威信息或行动而求助,apply申请: 表示直接求助,如寄信或前往,go,turn求助: 更通用,也更生动,表示寻求帮助的行为动作

记忆方法: 1)首字母RRAGT中R想成Real真诚,GRAT想成感激<==求助      (词根GRAT表示感激to please,welcome,agree,如ingrate忘恩负义的人grateful感激的宜人的)

        2)求助的意思是寻求帮助mean to have recourse to something when in need of help or relief.     (to have recourse to是本组的基础词,表示求助于对象方法手段等means a source of help in a difficult situation,如surgery may be the only recourse外科手术可能是惟一的解救办法,couldn’t tell which direction/word without recourse to a map/dictionary不借助地图/字典我就无法说清方向/选词)